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Looking back on 2022

We stayed busy during Aunt Lute Books' 40th year, and we wanted to share some of the highlights with you. From books, to readings, to celebrations, we hope you love the work we do and continue to support it during these difficult times.

The books we published

We started the year ushering in Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Fifth Edition. Rooted in Gloria Anzaldúa’s experience as a Chicana, a lesbian, an activist, and a writer, the essays and poems in this volume profoundly challenged, and continue to challenge, how we think about identity.

Later on, we were thrilled to bring you Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, Fifth Edition as an ebook for the first time! We hope this brings this iconic work to more people, and continues to inspire.

The events we hosted

We came together as a community for three virtual events this year.

Our acclaimed Home in the Bay Reading Series returned this summer. The reading series centering the voices of those impacted by houselessness, gentrification, migration, and colonization. We are partnering with Sogorea Te' Land Trust, POOR Magazine, Poets Reading the News, Black Freighter Press and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project, organizations doing radical work around our relationships to place and location as well as to each other.

If you missed the events, you can check them out here and here!

We also gathered for a very special reading to honor and celebrate 40 years of Aunt Lute Books. Highlighting our 40 years of publishing, we got to hear from some of our authors and staff. Watch the celebration here.

An anniversary to remember

40 years! We couldn't have done it without our readers, authors and community.

Not only did we come together for a special anniversary reading, we also hosted a fundraiser and released interviews highlighting the critical work we do.

For 40 years, Aunt Lute Books has worked to publish and support authors often overlooked and actively excluded by the literary canon and the publishing industry. And our work is far from over.

Thank you

Without you, our Aunt Lute family, we couldn't keep doing what we do. We are honored you continue to support us, and so thankful to have such a creative, encouraging and loving community.

We can't say much about our 2023 plans just yet, but we can say we are so excited about what's to come. Stay tuned for updates and please consider donating even a few dollars before the end of the year. (We're a nonprofit, so remember donations are tax deductible!)


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Intersectional feminist press publishing literature by those who have been traditionally underrepresented in or excluded by the literary canon since 1982.

Learn more here.

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© 2018 Aunt Lute Books  |  P.O. Box 410687 San Francisco, CA 94141  |  (415) 826-1300

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