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Aunt Lute Looks for New Distributor

To Our Aunt Lute Community,

As many of you know, Small Press Distribution shut down suddenly on Thursday, March 28th. Aunt Lute was one of the 300+ presses without a distributor after this announcement by SPD. This closure has left us all looking for new distributors, trying to find our books in warehouses and reeling from the three months of revenue which SPD took with it when it shuttered. 

There is still a lot we at Aunt Lute are trying to figure out. We are grateful for your patience and understanding as we navigate this devastating journey. 

Here are ways you can support us immediately:

Community: Donations will go a long way in helping us recoup the lost revenue. We estimate $50,000 in lost income. If you can, we ask that you consider making a donation today here.

Readers: Please consider purchasing an Aunt Lute book! We recommend Keep A'Livin' by Kathya Alexander or Borderlands/La Frontera by Gloria Anzaldúa. We are temporary fulfilling orders in house, so please expect longer than usual delivery time. But our ebooks will be delivered to your favorite e-reader immediately, so please consider buying and gifting these

Booksellers: Stock Aunt Lute and other former SPD press titles in your stores! Please contact for guidance on how to place wholesale orders with Aunt Lute. Our top sellers for retail are Shell Shaker by LeAnne Howe and Good Girls Marry Doctors edited by Piyali Bhattacharya

Other Publishers Impacted by SPD Shutdown: Please reach out to us! We are happy to share any learnings we gather regarding the SPD shutdown. In addition, we are working to host an in person book fair highlighting Bay Area presses impacted by SPD, and would love to work with you!

We will get through this together,

The Aunt Lute team


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Intersectional feminist press publishing literature by those who have been traditionally underrepresented in or excluded by the literary canon since 1982.

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© 2018 Aunt Lute Books  |  P.O. Box 410687 San Francisco, CA 94141  |  (415) 826-1300

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