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News and Notes 9/5/2019

Aunt Lute Director Joan Pinkvoss to receive 2019 Artistic Legacy Grant

September 12 @ 5pm: SFAC Annual Grants Convening. Herbst Theater, 401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA

The San Francisco Arts Commission will honor Aunt Lute director Joan Pinkvoss, recipient of the 2019 Artistic Legacy Grant, at the 5th Annual Grants Convening! This grant is awarded to an artistic director who has served their organization for 25 years and has a legacy of working to educate the broader community on the importance of their organization's mission.

The ceremony begins at 5 pm and ends at 7 pm and will feature performances from Veronica Sandoval, Emmy Pérez, and Juliana Delgado Lopera (¡Cuéntamelo!)! Afterwards, attendees will have the opportunity to mingle with staff and other members of the arts community. The event is free and open to the public, and the Herbst Theater is wheelchair accessible.

Don’t forget to click here and RSVP for the ceremony on Eventbrite! Click here to read more about the award and the legacy of our press in the SFAC news release.


Queering Cuentos

This summer, award-winning spoken word poet Verónica Sandoval and critically acclaimed poet laureate Emmy Pérez led writing workshops that empowered women and LGBTQIA+ folks in the Rio Grande Valley to speak to their varied experiences and make connections across their community. Along with award-winning printmaker Celeste De Luna, Sandoval and Pérez worked with students in Hidalgo County, TX to create their own original poetry and art prints by responding to themes in Gloria Anzaldúa’s renowned text, Borderlands/La Frontera. Aunt Lute Books is so honored to have helped execute this project, thanks to a generous grant by the Texas-based AKR Foundation. We will publish the culmination of these workshops as a book to be released in 2020!

Bay Area: Pérez and Sandoval to join us this September

If you don’t want to wait until then to enjoy the teachings and poetry of Sandoval and Pérez, you’re in luck. Both poets will be speaking at UC Berkeley on Friday, September 13, 2019. Guest lecturing in both English 31AC: “Growing Up Funny” and English 166: “Literature & Film of an Expanding & Unequal World”, Sandoval and Pérez will share on their experience as activists, educators, and poets in the Rio Grande Valley. Information on how you can attend these events is below:

English 31AC: Growing Up Funny

20 Barrows

UC Berkeley

9 – 10 am, 9/13

English 166: Literature & Film of an Expanding & Unequal World

103 GPB

UC Berkeley

12 – 1 pm, 9/13

Please note that there are limited spaces available for guests in both courses.


Author Events

ire'ne lara silva (flesh to bone, imaniman)


Author Updates

  • Congratulations to Juliana, who was awarded an Individual Artist Commission Grant from the SFAC! This grant will support the novel she has been working on as Headlands Artist in Residence this past summer. Click here to learn more about this project.

  • “Art as Queer Church” published in New Life Quarterly Summer 2019

  • New Book release: Fiebre Tropical is available for pre-order! Her first multilingual novel is set for release March 2020

Piyali Bhattacharya (Good girls marry doctors)

Rosa Montero (Beautiful and Dark)

Jo Scott-Coe (Teacher at point blank)

Intersectional feminist press publishing literature by those who have been traditionally underrepresented in or excluded by the literary canon since 1982.

Learn more here.

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© 2018 Aunt Lute Books  |  P.O. Box 410687 San Francisco, CA 94141  |  (415) 826-1300

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