El Mundo Zurdo 2
Selected Works From the 2010 Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa
Edited by Sonia Saldívar-Hull, Norma Alarcón, and Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz
Aunt Lute Books is excited to announce the publication of El Mundo Zurdo 2, a collection of diverse essays and poetry that offer scholarly and creative responses inspired by the life and work of Gloria Anzaldúa, selected from the 2010 meeting of The Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa. Contributors include:
Laurel Boshoff
Theresa Delgadillo
Qwo-Li Driskill
Josh T. Franco
George Hartley
Marcos del Hierro
Deborah Kuetzpalin Vasquez
Aurora Levins Morales
Tiffany Ana López
Melina M. Martínez
Chelsey Patterson
Laura E. Peréz
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Kamala Platt
Marion Rohrleitner
María del Socorro Gutiérrez Magallanes
Linda Winterbottom
Product info:
251 pp | Paperback | 2012 | 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches | ISBN 9781879960862