Call Me Woman
Preface by Nadine Gordimer
Foreword by Bessie Head
Call Me Woman is the autobiography of Ellen Kuzwayo, a black South African woman whose life as a social worker, woman's rights activist, politician, and more was woven in political history of South Africa for almost 60 years. Kuzwayo 's autobiography documents a complex series of changes in herself and her culture, including the onset and devastation of apartheid.
Ms. Kuzwayo was the first black person to win South Africa's premier literary prize, the CNS Literary Award.
Call Me Woman is among that small group of books that have entered directly into my consciousness and changed my frame of reference.
—The San Francisco Chronicle
This book is true testimony from a wonderful woman. For myself, she is one of those people who give me faith in the new and different South Africa they will create.
—Nadine Gordimer
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Product info:
266 pp | Paperback | 1985 | 5.5 x 0.9 x 8.5 inches | ISBN 9781879960091